How to Heal Yourself and Others Now is about how to apply spiritual, energetic healing to your day to day life. It is filled with theories on how to create an easier more flowing life and contains a new easy to master form of healing that is simple, deep and can with practice profoundly change any and everything in your life.







“I rated this 5 star because Jimmy’s system works. I have tried so many that did not work. Muscle testing has become easy for me using Jimmy’s sway test, and I struggled with it before. I amazed myself when I first tried the liquid fish I had instant results within Twenty minutes. I was stunned and thrilled. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to heal themselves or anyone else. I also recommend it to anyone who thinks they need to learn a system or take classes to become a healer. Clearly this is not the case. I am so thrilled that I read “How to Heal Yourself and Others Now” by Jimmy Mack.” – Lynda / Canada (Amazon reviewer)

“This is a refreshing book on a very overdone topic these days. The book offers very positive, easy to understand, easy for the masses processes on everyday issues and problems that can be remedied with small shifts in thinking or action. Most of all, the book is a great reminder that the Divine – however we see it (another cool thing about the book – very non-denominational) is there in many forms to be of help to us. The book is a quick read with a plethora of very usable information.” – Katherine Mihalek / Florida (Amazon reviewer)

“Jimmy Mack makes it easy and amazing!! Forget the psychobabble and get to the healing. Love it.” – May Lee (Amazon reviewer)

“I thoroughly enjoyed this short and powerful book. It is a great book to reference so that you can keep improving upon your life situation’s. The exercises are fun and easy. With practice you will be creating beautiful situations in your life like never before. I am very grateful that this book came into my life.” – Jennifer Moody (Amazon reviewer)

Jimmy Mack  727-678-0557
Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA
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