Tap each to read more and scroll down to view the kit.

Learn the Origin of My Liquid Fish

Read the story of My Liquid Fish™ in Chapter One of "Take Action Now!"  Stream the audio of Chapter One, and download the files.

Learning the Fish Hand Movement

Watch 2 short videos, then read & listen to the step-by-step instructions and you'll be "fishing" in 15 minutes. 

Correcting Reversed Energy

In order to get accurate results with your fishing, your energy must be running direct. I will show you how to test and correct reversed energy with My Liquid Fish™. 

The Top 10 Clearing Statements

So often I'm asked, "What do I say? What are the best word tracks?" Everybody gets confused on the words. So I came up with a top 10 list that I think you will really like and this is about you, love, relationships and life in general. And if you will integrate this and adapt this to your own life, I believe it'll go a long way to help you a lot. 

Daily Clearing Audio for Success in Life, Business & Wealth

Here you will get a taste of what it's like to work with Jimmy and also the power of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio clearings.

Get More Support

Jimmy freely shares this energy technology with anyone who is interested. If you have more questions or want to go deeper, we have several recommendations for you.

Thank you for your interest in Jimmy Mack Healing and Welcome to the My Liquid FishChange made simple™ Free Training Kit

Learning this divinely given fast and easy technique and integrating it into your existing clearing/releasing routine or healing practice can profoundly increase the positive results you will achieve as a change seeker, spiritual intuitive or healing practitioner by reversing and releasing negative & limiting thought and belief patterns AND you can actually SEE and FEEL the changes on the spot using applied kinesiology.  Some say the experience of fishing can get them into a meditative state where they achieve mental clarity and are more emotionally calm and stable.

Listen to Jimmy explain how to use this kit.

Listen here to THE most advanced explanations of the actual, divine technology of the "fish" that Jimmy has ever recorded as a guest on the
You Wealth Revolution Summit.
He also explains the connection of My Liquid Fish to Atlantis.

Learn the Origin of My Liquid Fish

Listen to Jimmy's audio version of Chapter One.

Read the story of My Liquid Fish™ in Chapter One of "Take Action Now!"  After Jimmy was first gifted this technique by Spirit following his near death experience in ICU, he kept it to himself and quietly tested it while working with hundreds of clients over phone, Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram and in person throughout an entire year before speaking about it.  He was unsure of the magnitude of power which he'd been given until the increased results became undeniable and often miraculous.  He believed then that there was a true purpose for having been given this gift and that the sheer simplicity of it was what made it so unique and usable for all.

Download the MP3 and PDF

Mobile users, click here for Kindle version.

Learning the Fish Hand Movement

Step 1) Point your finger in the air at chest level in front of you and as you watch the video above you'll create the symbol with the hand movement.


Step 2) Start in the lower left corner and trace with your finger or do a sweeping motion with your hand to create the shape of My Liquid Fish™ taking up a negative belief, issue, or weakness and releasing it to the heavens and higher dimensions.


Step 3) To download positive strength back down from the heavens, trace it back the other way and you may feel tingles and the sway forward as it comes in.


Step 4) Click play to listen to Jimmy's introduction of My Liquid Fish™ from the audiobook Spiritual Healing Techniques and how to get clear before you start fishing and what to expect.

Step 5) Click play and keep practicing as you listen to Jimmy's more detailed description of the how to's and best practices including using pendulums and sway testing facing North.

Step 6) Click play to go deeper into the explanation of "The 3 Jumps" - Getting Clear, Unclear and Running Forward

Step 7) Realize and know the value of patience and small course corrections and changes over time that can make all the difference.

Correcting Reversed Energy Flow 

In order to get accurate results with your fishing, your energy must be running direct. I will show you how to test and correct reversed energy with My Liquid Fish™. 

What if your energy is reversed?

One of the tell tale signs that you're energy flow is running in reverse is when you say your name ie:  "My name is ________" and it pulls you backwards or you get a No on your pendulum.

When clients show up to me in reverse, what I typically see is a sunflower and when their energy is in reverse their sunflower is down by their feet and the roots are up by their head.  So I know that I need to fish it out, to twist that back around before we can continue our session together. 

I find that about 1 in 100 folks tell me they can't muscle test, can't use a pendulum, sway testing doesn't work for them, or their world just isn't right and that's my sign to check the flow.  Some of the other features that can show up when in reverse is that you are dehydrated or you lack minerals so adding in more water and even pink Himalayan salt will help you with your energy as well. 

Watch this YouTube video explaining more about reversed energy and it also offers a special clearing transmission for you at the 1:30 minute mark.

Clearing Transcript:  I believe think, know and feel that my energy can and will run direct now. I see my energy moving from a reversed position down by my feet up to my head. My sunflower is now my head and face and the roots of my plant are grounded into my feet. I am ready, willing and able to run direct now. I know when, where, how and why to stay on task and on target and to make progress every day in every way. I am visualizing this in all languages, throughout all time lines and happening NOW! And so it is.

If you find you're feeling this way, begin by testing the statement,   "My energy is reversed."  It might be a Yes and if so, just fish it out to No.  

Also test the statement, "I am running forward, upright and direct."  If it's a No, then I'd go to the heavens and fish it IN as a Yes. 

Watch this YouTube video explaining more about the importance of running direct and it also offers a special clearing transmission for you at the 1:30 minute mark.

Clearing Transcript: I believe, think, know and feel that my energy is now running direct, strong, positive and above the rest of the crowd for easy discernment. I am ready, willing and able to do what it takes to stay on my ocean charted course and to cover more ground with grace and ease. I know, when, where, how and why to stay strong, by releasing the past while remembering the lesson, staying grounded in this moment and leaning forward into the future. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  

Learn more about the Anchors Away Masterclass here

The Top 10 Clearing Statements 

So often I'm asked, "What do I say? What are the best word tracks?" Everybody gets confused on the words. I believe questions will keep you curled up on the couch and crying, but if you make statements, these will help you a lot and can co-create changes for you. I'm all about staying out of the questions and doing more statements and it's as if Spirit gives you a Yes or No on your statements - of course through testing - whether you use your fingers, pendulum, standing...whatever works. 

So I came up with a top 10 list that I think you will really like and this is about you, love, relationships and life in general. And if you will integrate this and adapt this to your own life, I believe it'll go a long way to help you a lot. So whether it's love or money or relationships or what have you, take this wording and adapt it to your life, and your statements, your goals, your wishes, your dreams and then test and clear them and Fish on this. 

1) It is safe and comfortable to just be me! 

2) Every day, in every way, my life gets better and better. 

3) It is safe and comfortable for good fortune to rain down on me, every day in every way - thus creating more!

4) Spirit is showing and telling me how to make life changing moves in a safe and comfortable way. 

5) The ideal romantic partner shows up for me when I least expect it and if I'm with them now, they come through for me, and complete me. 

6) I appreciate the little things in life and I am thankful and filled with gratitude for all that I have and KNOW that I will have in the future. 

7) Every day I make progress, and as a result...the rest of my life WILL be the best of my life. 

8) In work, job, career... life sees this and me as the choice instead of the option, choosing me above all others.

9) Spirit shows me that every day in every way my life just keeps getting better, as I remain sovereign, anomaly-free and becoming the best version of me. 

10) I am shown the simple way to have all that I have ever dreamed of with ease, joy, laughter and entertainment. 

And here's a special #11

11) I'm open to receiving, deserving and worthy of all these statements and all the best that life has to offer - here and now. 

Daily Clearing Audio for Success in Life, Business & Wealth

Download the MP3

Listen to this daily self-care and success audio clearing and receive Jimmy's My Liquid Fish clearings on multiple levels including DNA, Core, Past Life, History, Soul, and that can include parallel dimensions, parallel universes and other worlds.

Here you will get a taste of what it's like to work with Jimmy and also the power of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio clearings.

Click the audio player to listen to Jimmy's brief background story and receive My Liquid Fish "Daily Clearings for Energetic Self-Care & Success in Life, Business and Wealth" recorded during a special call supporting and inspiring a group of business women from the Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles.

We recommend you listen to these clearings daily as an energetic reset and hygiene just as you would shower or brush your teeth daily, it is EQUALLY important to test and reset your energy flow.

Feel free to stand sway test facing north for Yes or No or follow along with your pendulum and watch the changes happen!  However, it is NOT NECESSARY to while listening to this audio. Advance it to the 6-minute mark to queue up the daily energetic clearing routine for repeated listening.

Clearing your energetic debris daily is as important as taking a shower, especially the "3 Jumps" (see Step 6 above)

Hopefully you are familiar with applied kinesiology and you can test with muscle testing, standing sway test, a pendulum, maybe feeling heavy or light or anything that can get you to a YES or NO answer.  If not, we would urge you to do that sometime soon and Google those terms to find out more. There are many YouTube videos that can help or download my ebook, "The Dowsers Handbook"

Above all, be sure to drink water and hydrate prior to fishing and listening.

Jimmy has recorded an entire catalog of MyBeliefWorks™ Clearings on over 35 topics that are done-for-you and very powerful to listen to.

Jimmy believes that changing beliefs on a conscious and unconscious level is different from merely saying affirmations.  He's all in favor of affirmations and has seen changing beliefs on all conceivable levels (listed below) and when listening to the MyBeliefWorks™ done-for-you clearings, they have the power to create the kinds of changes we are looking for in a much faster way.

Listen to Jimmy's audio explaining more about the MyBeliefWorks™ Clearings. 

When you listen to these statements which come from divine guidance, your beliefs will be changed on a conscious, unconscious, DNA, past life history, and soul levels. There are a multitude of others that can include parallel universes, parallel dimensions and other worlds along with all known & unknown, named and unnamed levels. Ideally we want to clear the energetic debris and create changes on all of these levels so that it is deep & long lasting.

Listening to each MyBeliefWorks™ audio recording is like having a 3 hour private one-on-one session with Jimmy because changes will be facilitated for you on over 100 positive and negative belief statements for each specific topic just by listening to each 30 minute recording. Each statement comes directly from divine guidance and are encoded into each recording and will in fact change for you as you listen.

There are 4 main levels and areas that My Liquid Fish Change made Simple works on:

  1. DNA level – which is just what it sounds like, cellular level down to your DNA, cells, bone marrow..
  2. Core level – which is from this life, starting at conception and continuing to the present day
  3. Past Life History level – which is from all of your past lives
  4. Soul level – which I call the spirit inside of each of us that connects back up to God

There are a multitude of others that can include parallel dimensions, parallel universes and other worlds along with all known & unknown, named and unnamed levels. Ideally we want to clear the energetic debris and create changes on all of these levels so that it is deep & long lasting.

MyBeliefWorks energetic downloads clear negative weakness and strengthen positive belief statements so you can smooth out the choppy waters and accelerate the speed of change. 

Get More Support

Jimmy freely shares this energy technology with anyone who is interested. If you have more questions or want to go deeper, we recommend that you either book a 30 minute appointment with Jimmy or dive into the My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple™ Mastery Certification Course.

Learn the advanced instruction & best practices for clearing and healing with My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® and earn your Certificate of Mastery to get the deepest results.

And, if you're a healing practitioner who wants to master this technique in depth in order to add it into your own practice as a Certified My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Practitioner.

This course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to “fishing” and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It’s a work-at-your-own-pace course that will TEACH you AND CLEAR you at the same time! You’ll also be working with Jimmy personally over the phone as a part of your final Mastery Certification test.

Picking up Jimmy's books are another great way to learn more about how you can use this simple and magical symbol to reverse the energetic charge on your beliefs and learn the optimal statements and phrases to muscle or pendulum test. You'll learn all the do's and don'ts, plus advanced tips. Many of these books are included in the Certification Program, but can also be purchased separately to give you a strong foundation to start with.

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